
Thank you for your interest in donating to the Head Injury Association of Northern Nevada. HIANN is an IRS qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1982 by individuals who want to improve the quality of life for those who sustained a brain injury, their family members and others who care about the brain injury survivors. HIANN’s Tax ID number is 88-0199047.


Of course, HIANN appreciates all contributions large or small. Please help HIANN provide support for brain injury survivors, their families and caregivers in the Greater Northern Nevada Area. You can make a personal donation now by clicking on the button below! All you have to do is set up a PayPal account or enter your credit card information. It’s easy to donate and every donation dramatically improves the lives of HIANN’s TBI Survivors.



Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury (“TBI”) face months, years and, in many cases, even a lifetime of rehabilitation. Your generous donation will support TBI survivors through their rehabilitation journeys. Your donation will be used to provide expert therapy that will improve the health of the survivors mind and body by providing the funding directed to HIANN member programs; including cognitive rehabilitation, physical fitness training, nutrition and cooking classes, recreational activities and social events.

Your compassionate donation includes a HIANN membership and an invitation to our annual picnic for you and your family.

Please contact Michael Hume at (775) 250-6862 or to learn more about these exciting grant opportunities.